2021 WVAL Small Works Show

The 2021 WVAL Small Works Show was a great opportunity to enter a new painting! This one is called Dragonfly Dream (my husband came up with the title this time, and it stuck!). In the process of developing this painting, I was inspired by an artist I recently discovered on YouTube: Stephanie Law. She is also creating watercolor and mixed media paintings on wood panels. I love her fantastical style with nature and mythology, and she shares a lot of neat techniques on her YouTube channel. I recommend checking it out if you are experimenting with watercolors. Maybe you will find something inspiring too!

Dragonfly Dreams was made using the same watercolor on cradled box panel technique that I’ve been experimenting with. I then used a combination of Daniel Smith watercolors, Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils, and ink for the painting. I remembered that dragonflies really like vernal pools, so I imagined this guy zipping around one during a late summer sunset. I tried to capture the mosaic and shimmering effect that a dragonfly’s wings have in the sunlight.

At the art show, I was honored to receive one of the Peoples’ Choice awards, and the judge really liked the dragonfly! Overall there was a great turnout for artistic talent and we are looking forward to the next one in November. There will be more artwork on display as well as prints and Christmas cards for sale, so keep an eye out for an announcement here on my blog and social media. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great weekend! It’s about time for Halloween… 🎃

P.S. - If you like this painting, let me know in the comments below! I’d be happy to make prints for anyone who is interested.


If you love Dragonfly Dreams, I’m happy to make fine art prints for anyone interested! Please shoot me an email with any questions.

If you haven’t seen my website updates yet, feel free to check out a few highlights:




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2021 November Update


2021 October Update